Terms of use

Business ID

  • Edra Vryoulon 3 (Iera Odos & Kifissou), Egaleo PO Box 122 42, Athens

Hots is an online store displaying and selling products via the Internet of the Hots store , based in Egaleo Attica, Kifissou & Iera odos (Vryoulon 3).

Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the Hots online store located at www.hots.gr.

Make sure you agree with the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of the above website www.hots.gr implies your express and unconditional consent and agreement with them.


Hots reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, made through its online store, in accordance with its needs and business ethics. Hots undertakes the obligation to inform users of any modifications as well as any change, through the website of this online store.

Information & Products Provided

Hots is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information listed on the www.hots.gr website, both in terms of the exact information displayed and the services provided by its online store, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally or interruptions in the operation of the website due to force majeure.

User Registration

Your personal information will not be republished or given to third parties. Hots undertakes that information registered on its website remains for the use of the company's orders and offers. By signing up, you agree to receive informational emails only from the Hots store which may include offers, new products, articles, etc. In case you do not wish to receive updates, then you have the right to remove your email from our list by pressing delete from the update that will have come to you.

Limitation of Liability

Hots is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of their order (except in the cases of paragraph 9. "Withdrawal / Return - Replacement of Products").

It also reserves the right to deliver the goods in cases of force majeure. The online store www.hots.gr cannot provide any guarantee for the availability of the products, but it guarantees timely information to end consumers about their unavailability.
The online store www.hots.gr provides the content (e.g. information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products and services available through the website "exactly as they are".
Under no circumstances is the www.hots.gr online store liable for any legal or civil and/or criminal claims nor for any damage (positive, special or consequential which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) from website visitors or third parties for a reason related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website and/or inability to provide services or /or information made available by him and/or any unauthorized third party interventions in products and/or services and/or information made available through him.

Intellectual property rights

This website is an online store owned by " Hots ". All the content of the website, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, services and products provided are the intellectual property of the above company and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, of European law and international conventions.

Any copying, analog / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the real provider of the Website Content is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, publication, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any manner or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of " Hots ". or any other legal owner of the above copyrights.

The names, images, logos and distinctive features that represent " Hots " and/or its online store www.hots.gr and/or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive marks and distinctive features of " Hots " and/or www.hots.gr and/or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, Community and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance and display on the www.hots.gr website and in the Hots online store should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.